Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Drill Down Option in Request Page For Beginners...

This  post is as per request of Ramesh post..

This is Small Post But Very Commonly Required.....

First and Fore most is to Declare Global variables for which fields we want to add Request Page fields ..

Let's get into situation in my case say i want to show Drill down to select a Customer No.

First define a Variable of same datatype as  you may use in SETFILTER OR SETRANGE..

Just like below....

So in  Customer---ONPREDATAITEM()
 you can define SETFILTER(Customer."No.",'%1',Custfilter);

Now getting to Request Page...

Open Request Page And Give some Name To Container  and select If you want Group /Field Then

SourceExp Open Globals by selecting Assist Edit Button And Select Your Defined Variable....

Now Select Your Field And Open Properties Window By Shift + F4..

And change Table Relation Select the respective  Table And Field.... So it would take it as INPUT....

So That's It Done Now Save , Compile  And RUN......

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